Sunday, May 29, 2011

Universal Lie: Fear

Another by-product of man is fear. Fear is a universal lie. Fear is the opposite of love (with the exception of reverent fear of God). If I react to someone out of fear, I can’t know the love that could exist between us. This is one of the current biggest misconceptions within Christianity. The fear of outcomes is the SAME fear that those who choose to have abortions deal with. They are not immoral, wicked, and life hating. They fear that they will lose their freedom, won’t have financial means to provide, will be a bad mother; will be ostracized by others, etc. They fear the outcomes and because of that fear, love is not known. Throughout the Bible we are told not to be afraid or ashamed. These two things are universal lies and they don’t come from God. Rom. 8:15

God’s vision even before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1)was that he chose human beings above all the other natural creatures that he made to share in his holiness—his uniqueness—and that his pleasure was not to create creatures he could control or dominate but could give them the gifts by which they could conform to the image of his Son—to make them holy, blameless and loved—the vision that God has for us—by faith expressing itself as love. (Romans 8:28-29). The message of Christ is that we can become this vision and that the creation of man as a natural creature was just the beginning, but human beings are made complete when they learn to love God because he first loved them. God’s will for us can only be accomplished because of Christ’s love for the Father and the Father’s love for us expressed in the sacrifice of his son to make us holy as he is holy. (1 John 4, Hebrews 10). God’s will for us can only be accomplished when we learn obedience through the suffering of temptation (even Christ had to do this as a man—Hebrews 5:7-9), which is love for God. Every time we choose to act on his words and sacrifice our own understanding, it is an act of love—that is why God calls obedience “love” not following rules. When we still fear punishment (1 John 4) we have not been made complete in love.

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