Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Matrix

Through my studies of "The Introduction to Representational Thinking" I started seeing an interesting pattern that in a general way spans many Christian ideas. The "general" pattern can be most easily seen through a model of reality as listed below.
  • The Eternal => the unseen aspect of reality 
  • The Link or Bond => that which connects the two aspects of reality
  • The Temporal => the seen aspect of reality
These three aspects together form one reality with the temporal aspect in context within the eternal aspect.
Or Eternal+Link+Temporal= Reality. A good passage to support this idea can be found in 2 Kings 6:8-20. Not that there aren't others but you can do your own study to find more.

With this general concept (two aspects plus another aspect that link to form one whole concept) I began seeing many connections that fit this model. 

The idea that God has three aspects but still one being is nothing new.
  • Father+Holy Spirit+Jesus
In these lessons we learn that the Holy Spirit is the linking agent from the will of the father (in the eternal) to his son (in the temporal).

"The two will become one flesh" (Gen. 2:24) was a verse that was lingering in the back of my mind. I began to think about reproduction and how when a man and woman come together they make a "new creation." Three aspects that make up human reproduction. This idea was also reinforced by a Bible study at Flaming Pine Youth Camp about the role of marriage and family in Christianity. We talked about how marriage is a partnership and one of its purposes is procreation. 
  • Man+Woman+Offspring
I started to contemplate how man is triadic yet one being. The Bible often refers to the body and the spirit and the lessons I was studying spoke to how we need to change the way we represent situations in our lives and how that battle or change takes place in our mind.
  • Spirit+Mind+Body
"The two will become one flesh." Gods spirit (eternal) is "linked" to our bodies (temporal) through our mind. When we allow this to happen then a new creation is formed (2 Cor. 5:17). What was revelation to me was that this is how God reproduces. I had never thought of it in this way before.

Interesting how this idea of reproduction mimics the diagram above and this picture. 

Then many other Biblical concepts came into focus.
  • Christ+Church+World
These 3 things represent the message. The church is Jesus' link to the world and through this union (partnership) Gods image can be reproduced. In essence, another form of procreation.

Next is faith. It too is triadic. Every story of faith in the Bible begins with a promise. (paraphrased verses)
  1. "Do not eat the fruit of this tree or you will surely die." to Adam-Gen. 2
  2. "You will have a son." to Abraham-Gen. 18
  3. "You will be lord over your brothers." to Joseph-Gen. 27
  4. "I will deliver my people from the hands of the Egyptians." to Moses-Exo. 6
  5. "I will deliver Jericho into your hands." to Joshua-Josh. 6
  6. "You will be anointed king." to David-1 Sam. 16
  7. "You are my son in whom I am well pleased." to Jesus-Matt. 3
  8. "I will return." to his followers-John 21
The next phase is the contradiction. That which can be perceived to inhibit the promise.
  1. Adam does not die
  2. Abraham and Sarah are too old for children
  3. Joseph sold into captivity
  4. The army of Pharaoh trapping them against the red sea
  5. Marching around a city with trumpets
  6. David flees for his life
  7. Jesus is sent into the dessert to be tempted by satan
  8. 2000 years since Jesus' ascension.
The final stage is the resolution of the promise.
  1. Adam dies
  2. Abraham has Isaac
  3. Joseph's brothers come for his aid
  4. The water is parted and the army destroyed
  5. The walls fall
  6. David becomes king
  7. Jesus defeats satan
  8. He will return
  • Promise+Contradiction+Resolution
In the representational curriculum it shows how the human mind makes representations. Coincidentally enough that too is triadic.

  • Iconic+Indexic+ Linguistic
Iconic representations are how we represent the world through the senses. The word "chair" puts an image into the mind of the reader. That image is not the chair itself but the representation of it or at least a chair that the reader has experienced iconically at one time.

An indexic representation is something that points or links to something else. Pointing at a chair with your finger conveys what you are representing. The second concept in each of the fore-mentioned triadic concepts above are an example of how this plays out in Christianity.

A linguistic representation is the use of symbols to convey an idea: c-h-a-i-r. This is the most accurate way of conveying a representation and also the way God chose, most often, to communicate.

I started to put these ideas into a spreadsheet to see all these concepts and connections as well as try to see if there was more to understand. In the curriculum there would be a question that asked "how does this verse show origin, power, and apparency (ability to be made known)? As I looked down my list I saw that these three things fit into place underneath each triadic concept.
  • The father is the origin of will. That will is powerfully linked to temporal reality through the Holy Spirit and is made apparent in Jesus Christ.
  • Mans origin came from the representation of God in the eternal. Women have the power to recreate mans image and that image is made apparent in her offspring.
  • The Spirit of God originates in the eternal. The mind has the power to link with the spirits will and wisdom. It is made apparent through the bodies action on that wisdom.
  • Christ is the origin of the message of God. The church is the link that has the power to make known the image of Christ to the world.
  • The promise has its origin in the eternal. The contradiction shows the power of the promise after it is overcome which is how the resolution is made apparent.
  • Iconic representations originated from the eternal aspect of reality. That representation indexed the power of the eternal to the temporal and was made apparent by the linguistic symbols of God to create the temporal aspect. Iconic representations also originate in the mind of man as he interacts with facts. They have the power to index a mindset that is made apparent through his language.
After solidifying these concepts I looked at each column and began to see another correlation. In the first column everything shared the concept of authority*. In the second column everything yields or submits to the first column. The third column is dependent on the first two to yield a new creation. So again we see how the partnership between the first two procreates the third.

*I thought a side note here would be relevant. I think there are a lot of misconceptions with this word. If we think about some of the different authorities we encounter in this world: government, police, principals, directors, teachers, etc: there real function is that of a servant. This relationship can be seen reflected in Ephesians 5:21. Column 1 and 2 are a partnership, authority submitting to power, power submitting to authority. Both are necessary to achieve their goal.
  • The father is the authority of reality and circumstances. The Holy Spirit submits to the will of the father and because of this union a new creation is born in Jesus Christ. The first literal incarnation of God.
  • Man is often referred to the authority in a family or marriage. When the woman submits herself to the man via sexual reproduction a new creation can be made. A baby! Aww.
  • The Spirit is the authority in a relationship with God. When man submits his mind to the Spirit, Gods wisdom, will, and character can be known and he can then be shaped into a new creation. A unique entity sharing aspects of God and man.
  • Jesus Christ's character and message is the authority of the church. When the church is willing to submit themselves to that image and message, new creations can be made from those in the world.
  • The promise is the authority over a situation. That which is a perceived contradiction to that authority will submit itself to the promise and once the resolution occurs a new creation or foundation of faith is made.
  • How we perceive reality through sensory/iconic facts becomes our authority. If they are submitted in a way that indexes the promises or revelations of God then our language will change (become "new") to reflect that.

As I continue to study I know I will be able to add more concepts to this. I find it very interesting that though this model isn't directly stated in scripture as general concepts they all relate in the same way and perhaps help put things into perspective when trying to understand our worth in Gods eyes and what we represent to him in this reality.

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